Wow .. This looks awsome

today thanks to the lovely Mr Stuart McIntyre for the tip off .. but Mr David Hay IBM consultant and general technical guru and geek has posted a guide to Portal 6.1.5 (with screen shots) .. WOW IBM, you have made the portal interface look as cool as the connection one does 🙂

I am downloading it now and looking forward to a play

hello world

after faffing about for god knows how long on shall i host my own techie blog or wiki I have been lazy and opted for the blogger root like a lot of my fellow connections/portal buddies .. so hello world and welcome to my mind 🙂

I shall do a *dave hay* and dump the contents of my tiny little mind here – mainly to help me remember all of those little gems that I appear to come across .. and I am sick of writing things down in note books and bits of paper only to lose them 🙂

so watch this space for mad ramblings of a technical nature 🙂
