There is an issue when running Connections with Oracle on Solaris
Symptoms of the problem are you can not delete certain files and / or the files widget from communities
The error in the logs is – table FILES.MEDIA is mutating
08/02/10 00:01:00:569 GMT] 0000005d Library E EJPVJ9166E: Unable to delete the library with id b855660b-d6bc-4b19-891f-2087aa3d9a0c. [UserImpl@26ce26ce id=64377ea3-e571-4323-922a-dc0723fead36 directoryId=2BE4B3FF-4AB4-48FF-9B83-73689537A16A]
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-04091: table FILES.MEDIA is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
ORA-06512: at “FILES.PKG_MED_DOWNLOAD_UPD”, line 45
ORA-06512: at “FILES.MED_DOWNLOAD_UPD_S”, line 2
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger ‘FILES.MED_DOWNLOAD_UPD_S’
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
We have since discovered (thanks to Kieran Reid in Connections Support for doing the leg work) that this is an issue with Oracle on Solaris – the triggers have an issue which is fixed in – which is a big no no as far as connections go. There is a fix that you can apply to that will resolve the problem.
From search the knowledge base for 4574851
You should get three results, select the third match
Click on the link for Patch.4574851
Select the release for the Solaris platform
Download, install and test.
*NOTE* this fix is only available for SPARC not x86
So far this appears to have fixed the issue on the backup of the Prod database (I have put a stand-alone LC25 in front of it to test which involved all sorts of DB hacking to get it to work – not recommended unless you are desperate for a quick test). I am hoping to schedule moving our prod DB from x86 to SPARC applying the patch and then plugging my LC25 cluster into it.
Nice catch, well done; thanks for sharing 🙂